In an era of globalisation and digitalisation, high performing boards need a much wider range of skills and greater diversity to achieve their goals. Getting the cultural fit and the dynamics of the board absolutely right will lead to a more effective board and better company performance. It is the quality of the board collaboration and a willingness to invest in board development that sets successful organisations apart from their competitors.
A board reshuffle, a period of strategic change, or a shift towards internationalisation; these are examples of scenarios in which we can support organisations. Our practical approach is designed to accelerate the board’s collaboration and we achieve this through a combination of board diagnostics and individual feedback sessions. Developing boards is a continuous process, and our approach, based on the concept of ‘Boards as Teams’, is innovative and results-oriented.
Increasingly, boards are expected to contribute to a wider agenda, to deal with more public scrutiny and shareholder activism and to enhance the traditional role of monitoring and protecting towards producing creative strategies.
Our methods to advance boards include:
- Board development (in conjunction with independent board reviews)
- Board acceleration of newly formed boards, including boards post-IPO, post-merger, or newly formed boards in private-equity backed businesses
- Advisory on the induction of International Board Members