Positioning for a period of rapid growth

A leading investment management company needed a stronger platform and corporate structure to support its ambitious growth plans. We recommended a review of the current organisational structure, a review of the senior leadership team and its culture – relating these findings to the strategy of the firm. This resulted in a review and development plans for the top executives, a strategic overview of their strengths and development areas and of organisational and cultural issues regarding team dynamics.

We embarked on individual review and development sessions for all executives. This included discussions concerning career goals and ambitions, their key business competencies and potential future roles within the firm. The process was completely transparent: each executive received feedback in a development session and a copy of their report. We presented a strategic overview of the group and the main organisational issues to the Board, while subsequent workshops with the CEO and Board directors converted the recommendations into specific actions.

The individual sessions clarified potential future roles for the executives and gave clear pointers for their future development. The strategic overview and workshop kicked off the development of a new organisational structure which in turn resulted in a stronger platform for growth, with several new roles being created and others modified. The CEO conducted subsequent career development sessions with each executive – in so doing, he prepared the buy-in for some structural and positive changes. The strategic overview to the top team started a discussion and solution of some of the organisational issues. The end result was a better alignment of the top team with the overarching strategic goals of the firm.